The Little Guy turns six this week. Hard to believe that he’s only a few weeks from starting first grade. Time waits for no man. Or woman as the case might be. I digress. So, for his present we decided to get him an iPod. He loves music and listens, sings, dances around the house…
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Now, For Something Completely Different.
I like to watch movies. Good ones, bad ones, terrible ones. Sometimes it’s the terrible ones that I end up enjoying the most. Sometimes a movie I love is one that is universally panned. One of my all-time favorite movies received the following reviews: Entertainment Weekly gave it an F and had this to say. The…
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When I do things, I sometimes go a little overboard. Not crazy overboard, but I do lean towards the dramatic. Perhaps that’s because I was raised in a family that spent their summers working on summerstock theater. Perhaps it has something to do with my time at NYU’s TISCH School of the Arts. Or, perhaps…
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