I freely admit to being a bit of an Apple fanboy. Not as much as I used to be, but I do have a lot of Apple products in my house. In 1997 Apple began an advertising campaign called Think Different. It lasted about five years. You may remember it. I got to thinking about…
Read MoreGenral
A D-lux Apartment in the Sky
The move, discussed here, was not as long and arduous as I at first expected. That’s not to say that there were no issues involved in the process. I believe all my old posts have come through. I spent a few days skinning the pages to look the way I wanted. And bingo. Here I…
Read MoreTaking the Road Less Traveled Occasionally Gets You Lost
When I set out to write a blog I already knew that I wanted it to be a WordPress blog. There were several reasons for this 1. I had used WordPress before. 2. It was free. 3. I was familiar enough with the code to get it to look and feel the way I wanted.…
Read MoreYou Need Help. Serious Help.
There are a lot of things that I don’t enjoy doing. Things like spending time with small minded people, watching the news, and reality TV. Sometimes these things are easily avoided, but other times, they provide a significant barrier to accomplishing my goals. Then there are times that the barrier is more of a wall.…
Read MoreKids Make Me Laugh
My kids make me laugh. For those with children, I assume this is not a new thing. Kids are funny. The things they do. The things they say. They can be funnier than the best comedian. They can also be a gigantic pain in the stones, but we aren’t going to discuss that today because…
Read MoreA Different Way of Seeing Things
I take a lot of things for granted. Most people do. I am, generally speaking, a healthy person (I’ll come back to this part). I have a job, a house, a great family, good friends, and I am able to do things I enjoy. One of those things is playing hockey. Now, let’s get something…
Read MoreI Need a What?
Being in the graphic design field, I had the good fortune to have a pretty cool head shot done by a vendor a few years ago. Pretty cool for a moody artist type. I was younger. Not much grey in the hair. I wasn’t wearing my glasses. It had drama and depth and black. Lots…
Read MoreNo one is as smart as everyone
I had a great post planned for today. It was full of bang and zip. It had all kinds of cool thoughts in it. And, it made absolutely no sense. As I said in a previous post, sometimes you need to fail to succeed. While I was pondering the mess that my post had become,…
Read MoreI Get By With a Little Help From My Friends
Once I decided to try to have my writing published, I started doing research. I went to the library, the book store, and searched online for info on how to get published. And, I found a whole lot of scary stories about rejection. The Giving Tree was rejected. Really. It was. And To Think I…
Read MoreYou have a book? What’s it About?
One of the first questions an author gets after someone finds out they have a book is, “What is your book about?” Any author worth their salt should have a stock answer, an elevator pitch, that describes their book in a concise way that will allow the conversation to quickly move to the next question.…
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